What I'm Doing.
I really enjoy and appreciate it when I read other blogs that write about resources they've been recently looking to for inspiration....
Homemade Capers, Sorta.
Nasturtiums are my absolute favorite flowers ever. It's the first ever flower I learned to grow, and haven't stopped since. They come in...
The Perfect Pesto
I can distinctly recall my first monumental and impacting food memory. Summer in my kitchen with my mom. Standing on a kitchen stool to...
Veggie Pancakes, pt. 1
Just about forever ago I took a trip to my local Korean market (which is one of my favorite markets, ever) and picked up a bag of Korean...
Untitled Salad Entry
One of the most underrated, unknown, mysterious vegetables I've come across is the humble kohlrabi. It's simply one of my favorite...
The Amazing Egg
I'm writing today's entry from home, in bed, because I've felt so absolutely ill all day. I will continue to write about food and how...
Preserve in a Pinch.
Yet again I'm faced with a flat of peaches that are ticking time bombs. They could be good for another 12 hours, or they could be rotten...
Mediterranean Summer
When the summer vegetables start flooding in I can't help but be reminded of the meals I grew up eating from my Armenian grandmother. She...
Summer Rice Bowls
Rice. It's seriously the one food group that has actually kept me alive for the past decade. I cannot even remember a day that has gone...
Culls & Corn
I am blessed to have the fortune of occasionally cooking meals for my peers at work and whipping up whatever is inspiring me at the...