external relief
I'm all about the DIY life. Obviously I feel that way because I started writing a blog about making everything from scratch. That being said I feel that way about everything, not just food-related recipes. It kills me to to buy something, anything, knowing that it is within my abilities to make it at home. Sometimes it's not that easy and can be more labor intensive that I had anticipated, but that's always how I've learned what I am capable at doing at home, or if I just need to go out and buy it.
If I'm not making things to eat from scratch, I particularly love to make bath and beauty products. They can be really expensive to buy, especially the organic, natural products that I'm interested in.
Even before my expensive taste in body products, I really loved to make all kinds of bath and body concoctions as a child. I had one of those Klutz DIY books that had all kinds of natural recipes for face scrubs, masks, bath salts, hand balms, all using things that were probably in the house already. I must have made every recipe twice, and have kept that affinity every since.
I love making homemade gifts around the holidays too, mostly because it's intimate, but also because I never know what to get people and nothing beats a unique handmade gift.
Hopefully my mom doesn't read this before Christmas, but I made both her and my partner's mother pain relieving hand and body balm. Both her and Jon's mom have lots of aches and pains and recently my mom has suffered acute pain in her hands that prevent her from even using them at times. Ta-da, relief balm.
What makes this particular recipe unique from it's moisturizing, pain relieving counterparts is the addition of Arnica oil, THC & CBD. I could've probably gotten away with a successful balm using just one of the three, but I figured, why not? I had all three things on hand and I'm doing it for the moms.
Don't have any of these things? No worries! The Arnica and CBD are super easy to come by, and depending on what state you're in, so is the THC! But really, if you only want to use the Arnica and CBD that is okay too! Since this is topical, it is no way going to be psychoactive, something that I definitely will have to mention multiple times to my own mother to reassure her before using.
Don't want to use one of these things? No problem! Simple omit either the THC, CBD or Arnica - it won't have any effect on the final product except ounces yielded (simply substitute what you took out with the same amount in coconut oil).
In case you're not in the know:
Arnica is an oil, often used in homeopathic topical recipes, that is used externally for pain and inflammation. It's used to treat anything as small as a bruise or deeper inflammation like arthritis and muscle swelling.
CBD is short for Cannabidiol that is found both in cannabis leaves and hemp leaves. Either way it is completely non-psychoactive, even when ingested. It's pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti- all bad things pretty much. Also not addicting at all and basically Mother Nature's way better-for-you version of opiates. I am very much an advocate for it's relaxing and anxiety reducing effects, and my father will sing all the praises about it's pain-relieving wonders all day long. The particular brand of CBD oil I use in this case is from Bluebird Botanicals - all of their CBD is hemp-based and grown in Colorado. It's accessible to anyone online and you don't need a "card" to order CBD.
THC I'm just not going to bother explaining. Please google.
Other important ingredients to be aware of and are involved in the process:
Beeswax - important to have to achieve that 'balmy' texture., otherwise your product is just going to be scented body oil.
Cocoa Butter - the creamy oil that provides substance to the balm. Feel free to substitute with Shea butter.
Essential Oil - I use Lavender in this particular recipe, but use what smells good for you. Lavender is naturally relaxing, thus appropriate for this application.
Don't let the idea of making a hand balm intimidate you. It's actually really easy, doesn't make a huge mess and is very rewarding. I for sure thought it was going to be a pain in the ass because of the beeswax (I recently made candles and the beeswax sticks to everything it touches), but the oil counteracts the beeswax for easy cleanup.
relief balm
makes 10 ounces
5 tbsp beeswax pellets
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup THC infused coconut oil
2 tbsp cocoa butter
1 tbsp CBD hemp oil
1 tbsp Arnica oil
3 tbsp raw honey
20 drops lavender essential oil
small jars
Make sure before starting that all of the ingredients are gathered and there are measuring cups and spoons on hand. I also used a mini rubber spatula to help scrape every last drop of oil, honey, and wax from my measuring equipment.
Begin by placing a small pot filled halfway with water over medium high heat. Next find a metal bowl, or any non-porous material, to place above the small pot. This is going to act as the double boiler.
Once the water has begun to simmer, add the beeswax and the cocoa butter. As they begin to melt use the spatula to mix them together. Add the coconut oil and THC oil as well and continue to stir so everything is becoming well incorporated.
When everything has become a unified mixture, turn off the heat and add the CBD oil, Arnica oil and the lavender essential oil. Give a quick stir and remove the bowl from the stove.
Let the mixture cool for just a few minutes, just long enough so it's not too hot for the honey, but not long enough for anything to thicken up. Once the honey is added, continue to stir very very well. I found that the honey was the most difficult substance to incorporate and, if not mixed well, it wanted to sink to the bottom.
When the bowl is cool to touch, carefully pour the balm into desired jars. Use a funnel if need be, but the liquid is so viscous that it very easy poured out into the jars. Let balm cool in jars with the lid off for at least 4 hours. Enjoy!