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Weekend Project: Pickled Ginger

I'm more often than not so busy at the market that I barely get any time to participate in any leisurely cooking projects that I want to get done. During the week I make ambitious lists of labor intensive cooking projects that I want to accomplish during my weekend. Dishes and ingredients fuel my inspiration for these lists, and there's nothing I love more than to tackle those projects when I finally have some free time.

Something that I've been determined to completely for some time now has been Japanese pickled ginger--like the kind you get beside your sushi. I could eat that stuff by the spoonful and, just like with anything I find that I like, I decided I should just make it myself.

It just so happened that I inherited some unwanted ginger from the market that was looking past it's prime. With just a little extra care and attention it would be perfectly fine and usable for my purposes.

When you're faced with imperfect produce, pickle it.


Pickled Ginger

makes an 8oz jar

1/2 lb ginger root

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 tbsp salt

Clean off the ginger by rubbing the edge of a spoon again the skin of the ginger. Scraping with the spoon easily and quickly removes the skin. Next cut the ginger lengthwise or widthwise, as long as it's thin.

Transfer to a bowl and add the sugar and salt. Let sit for 15 minutes and occasionally macerate with fingers to release juices.

Pack the ginger-sugar mix into an 8oz mason jar and press down very hard so everything fits and more juices release. Pour any leftover juices from the bowl into the jar as well. If necessary, fill the jar with a little bit of water to it covers the top of the ginger. Seal well and set aside in a dark space / in the cupboard for 2-4 weeks, until desired taste is achieved.

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